Author Interview with Julie Flygare

As a person with narcolepsy and an avid reader, I was undoubtedly thrilled to discover Wide Awake and Dreaming recently. After thoroughly enjoying this book (see my review here), I decided to try contacting Julie Flygare for an interview — and she agreed! Without further ado, here is a quick description of her awesome book, and an interview with the author!


About the Book: Wide Awake and Dreaming

Wide Awake and Dreaming: A Memoir, by Julie FlygareJulie Flygare was on an ambitious path to success, entering law school at age 22, when narcolepsy destroyed the neurological boundaries between dreaming and reality in her brain. She faced terrifying hallucinations, paralysis and excruciating sleepiness aspects of dream sleep taking place while wide awake.

Yet, narcolepsy was a wake-up call for Julie. Her illness propelled her onto a journey she never imagined from lying paralyzed on her apartment floor to dancing euphorically at a nightclub; from the classrooms of Harvard Medical School to the start line of the Boston Marathon.

Wide Awake and Dreaming is a revealing first-hand account of dreams gone wrong with narcolepsy. It s the brave story of one woman trampling over barriers and finding light in the darkest of circumstances.


Interview with Julie Flygare

What was the best part about being diagnosed with narcolepsy?
What was the worst part?

Being diagnosed with narcolepsy was validating because I finally had names for the mysterious problems which I had ignored and repressed for years. Diagnosis was also overwhelming because I didn’t know what it meant for my future. (I made a short video describing this experience here:

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