Liebster Award!

Liebster AwardThe folks over at Discombobulated Books have nominated me for the Liebster Award! Isn’t that super neato? I’m surprised and flattered and excited!

From what I understand, the Liebster Award is given to bloggers who are up-and-coming and that the nominator thinks are worth highlighting. As the rules go for this award, I now have to answer the 11 questions they put forth in their post, then ask 11 questions of my own, and then nominate 11 more blogs that I feel deserve the award!

I Feel So Honored!

Here’s where I answer the 11 questions from Discombobulated Books.

What would you do if you got stuck on a desert island?
Probably try to find shade and water and try not to weep in misery all day long.

Zombies or Vampires or Unicorns?
Unicorns, for sure!

Favourite book/ movie?
I’ll make this easy and go with Howl’s Moving Castle for both book AND movie. :)

If you were a fish what sort of fish would you be and why?
Hrm. I hadn’t ever thought of this, but I suppose… a koi. Because they live a long time, and they’re usually well taken care of.

Food or Sleep?
Tough question. It really depends on my mood. Funnily, I take medication to help me sleep at night, but every time I take it, it just makes me really hungry! Can’t I have both? :D

If you could be one person in this world, who would you be?
Myself, of course!

Three words to describe yourself?
Reserved, Curious, Silly.

If you had to choose one food to live off for the rest of your life what would it be?
Ha! Um… Can I be vague and say something like pizza or sandwiches? So much variety with those still. ;D

What’s the coolest place you’ve been to (can be in a book)?
The coolest place I’ve been to is probably Montreal. So much culture there, and good food, and there’s a mountain in the middle!

Which planet would you choose to live on (excluding the fact that we would probably die on all the other planets)
Earth. I tend to stick with what I know. ;)

If you had to life in one book and be one character what would you choose?
Ooh. Oh. Hmm. I think I might want to be Alina from Shadow and Bone. That world is ultra cool and I love the magic they use in it! I know her life is kinda hard, but still, I’m game!

Questions, I Have Them!

Here’s where I get to ask MY questions to my nominees.

  1. Who’s your favorite non-human character in a book?
  2. Chocolate or vanilla?
  3. How many books do you read in a typical month?
  4. Coffee or tea?
  5. What’s your favorite movie based on a book?
  6. Beer, wine, cocktails, other?
  7. Favorite genre to read?
  8. Does it snow where you live? If yes, how do you feel about it?
  9. How do you feel about naps?
  10. Favorite book cover from the past year?
  11. Favorite TV series?

I Choose You!

And now I get to nominate 11 other bloggers! This is kinda difficult because I’m still pretty new to the community and I don’t know a lot of people, but here goes. These are my choices.

  1. Megan at A Trail of Books Left Behind
  2. Kristilyn at Reading in Winter
  3. Rika at Rika Confesses
  4. Livvy at Nerdy Book Reviews
  5. Luna at Luna’s Little Library
  6. Gretchen at My Life is a Notebook
  7. Jade Christyn at The Bookish Side of Me
  8. Kelly at Radiant Shadows
  9. Amanda and Justine at Appraising Pages
  10. Carrie at The Mad Reviewer
  11. Janita at Book, Interrupted

Enjoy, ladies! If you make your own Liebster Award post and answer my questions, I would love it if you came back here to comment, with a link to your post.

10 thoughts on “Liebster Award!

  1. Thank you so much, Kelley! Since I don’t do the awards thing on my blog, I’ll answer my questions here! :)

    Who’s your favorite non-human character in a book?
    Dobby. Definitely Dobby!

    Chocolate or vanilla?

    How many books do you read in a typical month?
    That’s a tough one! Usually it’s up to 25.

    Coffee or tea?
    Coffee in the winter, tea in the summer.

    What’s your favorite movie based on a book?
    Another tough one! I really liked The Help, though I don’t watch a LOT of movies based on books.

    Beer, wine, cocktails, other?
    White wine. Cupcake brand.

    Favorite genre to read?
    Contemporary. Well, YA Contemporary, but some adult as well. I also really like romance.

    Does it snow where you live? If yes, how do you feel about it?
    Oh gosh, yes. I like it until the end of December. Actually, we MUST have snow for Christmas or I get cranky. As of January 1st, though, it can all go away.

    How do you feel about naps?
    I really can’t nap! I’m more of a lay-there-with-my-eyes-closed kind of person, but I don’t ever fall asleep.

    Favorite book cover from the past year?
    That’s tricky! I really love the Beautiful Ruins cover by Jess Walters, as well as the Days of Blood and Starlight cover by Laini Taylor.

    Favorite TV series?
    Currently, Doctor Who. But I do really love Gilmore Girls and Chuck, too!

    Thanks Kelley! Hope you don’t mind me leaving a massive comment! :)

    • I don’t mind at all; in fact, I thought you might do just this. :)

      You know, for some reason it hadn’t occurred to me that contemporary is your favorite, but looking back on your reviews, I guess that makes sense.

      I hadn’t heard of Beautiful Ruins, but that cover is quite lovely! I really like the DoBaS cover, too! I think it’s much better than the cover for DoSaB, too. (Wow, those acronyms…)

      Man, it seems like everyone I know loves Doctor Who, but for some reason I just can’t get into it. My sister’s a longtime fan of Gilmore Girls, and if they’d ever put it out there on Netflix, I’d definitely get into it too!

      Thanks for indulging me. :D

  2. Thanks for the award, as I don’t do awards on my blog either, I thought it would be okay to answer the questions here like Kristilyn.

    1.Who’s your favorite non-human character in a book?

    Hmmm. That’s a really hard one. Do Vampires count as non-human? If they do, I’d say Kanin from the Immortal Rules. If not, I’m likely to pick Finn the robot from The Mad Scientist’s Daughter or Nero the crow from Blood Red Road.

    2.Chocolate or vanilla?

    Chocolate every time. I could not live without chocolate and I have to say Cadbury chocolate, Milka and Malteser bunnies at easter time are my three favourites. And chocolate just looks so much warmer and tastier.

    3.How many books do you read in a typical month?

    Hmmm. It depends on whether I have school work or not. I mean sometimes I read 10 or more, sometimes I’m lucky if I get 3 or 4. I never like to read less than that since I enjoy reading so much.

    4.Coffee or tea?

    Neither. The only hot drink I have is Hot Chocolate (again my chocolate addiction showing through) and I’ve had mulled wine once, but boy is that stuff strong.

    5.What’s your favorite movie based on a book?

    Hmmm. That’s such a hard one for me… I tend to always like the film more than the book. A few of my favourite transitions from book to movie adaptions would be, Harry Potter, Inkheart and the Hunger Games. I really enjoyed all three of those films and I equally enjoyed the books and whilst they don’t always stick to the plot exactly, particularly Inkheart I enjoyed the artistic licence of the film.

    6.Beer, wine, cocktails, other?

    General Beer is gross. Wine if it’s Rose. I prefer a liquor mix or a cocktail. Oh and I love alcoholic Ginger Beer particularly the orange ones.

    7.Favorite genre to read?

    Fantasy without a doubt. I love to escape the real world and feel like I’m immersing myself in an entirely different universe.

    8.Does it snow where you live? If yes, how do you feel about it?

    We get snow now and again, living in Britain the weather is so temperamental so it’s hard to really judge how much we’ll get or even month. Sometimes it’s November, sometimes it’s March. I like it if I don’t have to go out in it or it doesn’t leave behind treacherous ice!

    9.How do you feel about naps?

    I try not to have them as they tend to make me even more tired. Although power naps are good, but you have to have like exactly 20 minutes or 19 minutes 59 second to have the full impact. A little difficult really….

    10.Favorite book cover from the past year?

    I’m not sure about my favourite cover. I really like the steamy covers of Nalini Singh’s Psy-Changeling novel, but maybe The Summer Prince with the light tattoo patterns on the arm look quite good.

    11.Favorite TV series?

    This is such a hard one for me so I’m going to cheat and pick favourite British TV series as Merlin based on the Arthurian legends and Merlin as a young boy as Arthur’s servant having to hide his magic. The humour is fabulous and the whole programme just got better and better. Then American TV series I’d pick Vampire Diaries as I am absolutely addicted to Damon. That guy is just so yummy.

    • Awesome, thanks for indulging me! I actually kinda like having your answers in my comments. :D

      I’d say vampires count as non-humans, but I guess was envisioning non-humanoid, if that makes sense. I love to escape into fantasy novels, too! I think that’s why I can only read a contemporary once in a while.

      Mulled wine – I’ve always wanted to try it! From your descriptions, it sounds like I might like it, since I tend to prefer the stronger red wines.

      I’ve actually got the Merlin series on my Netflix queue. I watched the first episode, but haven’t had time to watch more yet. Good to know you recommend it! :)

      • I’m glad and no problem, I enjoyed answering them! :-) Congrats on the award too. I had apple flavoured mulled wine at a Christmas market and it was very strong, but it had a nice flavour. You’ll probably like it if you prefer stronger wines.
        Oooh, I can’t wait to hear your thoughts since it just gets better and better that series.

    • Haha, yay! I love it too! And did you notice, if you click the little worm hanging down on the hook, it brings you back to the top of the page? So cute. :D I really need to make a donation to the designer who made this blog theme!

  3. Pingback: The Liebster Award | The Mad Reviewer

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